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Exchange invests $25m in TradingScreen spinoff, expects to boost liquidity by ad...
Post-Brexit, the regulator’s ban on the sale, marketing and distribution of bina...
Currencies such as the Thai baht, which trades heavily with China, should benefi...
The ECN looks to diversify its product and client base by plugging into the city...
New market risk regime dangles capital savings for own-models approach
Regulator SFC fears disruption to Hong Kong's position if it forces trades on ve...
Negotiations confirmed, but not whether FXall is on the sale block
The rebranding of the ECN aims to tap into Euronext‘s reputation to attract larg...
Singapore is beating Tokyo and Hong Kong in volumes, changing the FX trading lan...
London consolidates its place as a centre of RMB trading as the internationalisa...
Dovish stance of major central banks means volatility unlikely to pick up signif...
Nearly all banks saw quarterly Ficc income rise in double digits on increased cl...
Volatility reaches levels not seen since 2014
Options or swaps said to still be cheap to hedge if tensions persist
Bank works to make some aggressive strategies more intelligent when handling liq...
Aims to give clients a deeper look at the impact of their trading